Wednesday, 20 March 2019

Kauai Whale Watching Tours – Na Pali Coast Guide

The humans usually have a habit of moving from colder places to warmer places, but then they are not the only ones. The Humpback whale or the Kohola also travels thousands of miles to soak the warm Hawaiian sun during winters. These mammals swim from the cold waters of the North Pacific so that they can breed, calve and nurse their young ones in the shallow warm waters of Hawaii. While they are here, they know how to be a rock star! The Kauai Whale Watching season begins towards late November, but the peak season is from January to March. Having said that some whales love their time in Hawaii so much that they extend their stay till May before leaving for North Pacific.

Tuesday, 19 March 2019

Birdseye view in Waiahuakua waterfall sea cave!

Situated on the island of Kauai, Hawaii, and along the Na Pali Coast, you can reach the gorgeous Waiahuakua Cave by kayak or zodiac raft. This remote cave is the second longest sea cave on the planet due to its size of 350 meters or 1,155 ft. Waiahuakua Sea Cave is also called as the Double Door cave as it has an entrance and an exit. Some people even call it a Sacred Water Cave. It is a gorgeous site to see how a crack in the roof of the volcanic rock enables the waterfall to drop in this beautiful cavern. During the bright sunlight, it gets even more gorgeous when the reflection of the sun turns the water of the ocean into hues of blues and greens.

Along the Na Pali Coast, you can also see several other amazing caves, beaches, reefs, and panoramic views. It is recommended that you explore the coast with a guide. One of the advantages of studying the coast with a guide on foot makes it easy for you to access every individual sea cave. Explore every cave as they are just the gorgeous creations of nature.

Each cave is one of its kind and unique. However, the Waiahuakua Sea Cave is undoubtedly going to be one of your top favourites. At times, due to weather conditions and swell, this cave is not accessible, but then you need to make sure that you are travelling the time when the weather conditions are favourable.

As mentioned, there are two entry points at the cave. On one side, is a giant amphitheatre cave but as you move around, it opens up to display an effervescent waterfall which flows from some thousand feet! Wai’ahu’akua is a Hawaiian word which loosely renders to Gods Water Alter (Wai= Water, Ahu = Alter, Akua= Gods). You would find the reason for it being called as Gods Water Alter after you experience this cave for yourself.

Indeed, there are a vast number of wet and dry caves in Kauai. However, the spectacular ones are found along the Nā Pali Coast. You can only access this place by the sea.  The dramatic sea arches and impressive sea caves have moulded in the cliffs due to the pounding and relentless, Hawaiian surf. If you are thinking how you can get to these caves, try a boat tour. It is a great way to go.


Travellers love exploring the interior of the Waihuakua Sea Cave. A gushing waterfall offers a cooling mist for tired travellers.

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